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Meet the Altered Pages Designers: Stephanie Siatta

On the very talented Altered Pages Design Team!
 We have many talented artists...
Today we are honored to introduce you to
another one of those amazing members of our team
Stephanie Siatta!
 She comes to us from Arizona!

I am so pleased to be able to use my art talents in a FUN and productive manner at I am a wife, mom to 2 kids (that are growing up far too fast) and an artist. Like so many of us, I have worked at numerous jobs that did not allow my creative side to truly come alive. It certainly is a blessing to be a member of the Altered Pages design team where individual creativity is encouraged. I also own a home based business that specializes in medical transcription and this helps pay the bills and fund the huge stash of art supplies.

I have always loved creating. My first piece (a crayon drawing of our dog, Pudgy) was done when I was three. It still hangs in my motherā€™s home to this day. I was a member of the National Art Honor Society in High School and a highlight for me was being commissioned to create a one of a kind large scale painting for a new technology wing of the High School in my senior year.

I enjoy mixed media, assemblage, watercolor, acrylics and DIY projects. I love to refinish, repurpose and upcycle. Watercolor is my true love, however. I also enjoy teaching mixed media classes and bringing out the inner artist in people who doubt their creativity. I love the look on a studentā€™s face when they realize they can do it! Anyone can create beautyā€¦the first step is believing that.

Evil Libations!

Here is a kit created by Steph Vintage Topiaries available HERE at Altered Pages!!!
Happy May Day

Please comment daily to share the love with our artists and be entered into the random drawing for a package of vintage postcards and a vintage map.  (value 17.00)


  1. Nice to get to know I little more about you Stephanie!

  2. Wow!! You are one talented lady! You work with so many mediums!! Love it!!

  3. Love your work! Looking forward to more.

  4. Love your work! Looking forward to more.

  5. Nice bio on you, Steph. Wonderful showcase pieces, too.

  6. Where are you located in AZ? I'm an AZ girl too!

  7. Great to learn a bit more about you Steph! xx


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