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Meet Jean Moore the Woman Behind Altered Pages!

We have introduced artists, authors, design team members and more.  Today I thought it was about time to meet the woman behind ALTERED PAGES...

The amazing woman, talented artist, hard working entrepreneur, mother, grandmother, wife and friend to many...


I have been honored to work with Jean over the last few years we have only met in person once, we work on the Altered Pages blog and with the Altered Pages Design Team together.  I enjoy working with her and am proud to call her my friend. She is one of those people you meet and feel you have known them forever! Enough rambling let's meet JEAN.....

When did you realize you might have a real desire or talent for creating Art?   As a kid I dabbled as all kids do. My first BIG piece was in first grade when the teacher picked me to paint HUGE pink flowers on the walls of a playhouse in our classroom. As a teen I sketched and always took art as an elective. I took jewelry making with precious metals, charcoal, assemblage, various mediums of painting and plastered my bedroom walls with sketches. I love working with natural clay, the dirty, mushy, hands on medium is so freeing. I learned a lot about myself with clay. I tend to be architectural and structured in a medium that is anything but! 

What is your favorite medium for creating?
Probably either Clay or acrylic paint.


If you could use only one color in your art, what would that color be?  I guess Yellow, itā€™s not my favorite color but I like the energy it projects, I find that I am drawn to it even without realizing, so maybe it is my favorite color subliminally.

Can you share a little about becoming an entrepreneur?
I have always had a knack for Sales. I have sold straw hats, Christmas trees, various home party plans, employee insurance plans, Interior Design services, art classes, but most of all MYSELF! I have to admit I am better at selling in person, the internet is tough because you do not have the one on one. Owning any business is not glamorous, itā€™s lots of work. Itā€™s the packing and wrapping and ordering and stocking and negotiating which unfortunately does not leave me time to create much anymore. I have given myself permission to take more art classes this fall and plan on allowing myself creative time.

Is there any behind the scenes at Altered Pages you would like to share? Behind the scenes at World Headquarters is a lot of bins, boxes, containers full of goodies. My office/stock room is a 10x12 room and no parking in our garage! Our valuable asset is Ed Moore; shipping, receiving and reminding me to turn off the lights! AlteredPages is home based and when people buy from us they are supporting a dream and a family.   

What are some of your favorite things to do when you are not creating or working? My daughter gave us the most wonderful grandkids and they are the center of life! I am very fortunate to have a great group of friends who share a love of art and friendship. A diverse group but there for each other. We have a jewelry and paper artist, 3 quilters, a painter, an amazing cook, a scrapbooker, a cardmaker, one makes most anything depending on the mood, from handmade pillows to metal garden art.

Thank you Jean for taking the time to share with us today and Mr. Ed for all your hard work. 

Remember when you buy from
you are supporting a SMALL BUSINESS!



  1. What a wonderful little snapshot of your life away from Altered Pages! I didn't know you were a clay sculptor ... but it makes perfect sense - you always seem like you're ready for a good time and willing to get your hands dirty and a little clay under your nails!
    I love the pieces of art you've shared with us...I wish you would do it more often!
    You and your husband do an expert job (with the help of Lyneen) of making your Mom-and-Pop shop seem like a much larger operation that you say it is. It must be difficult to do all the things that are required to run a small business - and still keep that incredible personal customer service which is so much of the attraction of Altered Pages.
    Good luck in the coming years!

  2. Having spent some time with you last week, I concur that you are a most lovely lady inside and out. I really appreciate that you took time from your very busy schedule to sit and laugh with me for so long. Thank you again for introducing me to "TurnStyle" yet another dangerous place for me......;o) Although I've known you for years, and we've passed each other at various events, I look forward to spending more time with you and hopefully "playing" with whatever medium you desire to create with. Thank you for being the awesome lady you are and my you only experience the best of everything in your business. Big Hugs!

  3. You are a wonderful lady, I am honored to be involved with Alteredpages!

  4. You are a wonderful lady, I am honored to be involved with Alteredpages!

  5. So nice to get to know a little bit more about you Jean and thankful to be a part of your team. :-)

  6. Very nice bio and interview with Ms. Jean! Good news that she's going to make more time for herself and her art. No better way to relax...other than playing with those wonderful grandkids.

  7. Very interesting & nice to learn more about you!

  8. Loved reading more about you Jean today, as Lyneen has said you are a joy to work with and for, you are incredibly generous and have such a kind heart. I do hope that you get more time to create this coming year and that one day I make it to the states so I can meet you in Person. xx

  9. Very nice article about you Jeanā™„

  10. thanks for sharing about Jean and the small business with giant heart. I feel proud that I've bought from altered pages now that I know more if the story behind it. Jean, you're awesome. xo


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