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Meet the Altered Pages Designers: Robin Horasanian

Altered Pages has a very talented Design Team!
Today we are honored to introduce you to
another one of the amazing members of our team

Greetings!  My name is Robin Horasanian.  Iā€™ve always had arts & crafts in my life and have been a rubber stamp card maker since 1996.  I remember my mom helping us make our own Christmas cards when my brother and I were in grade school.  Being in Girl Scouts helped expand the types of crafts that I got to try, including some early scrapbooking.  And although I'm always looking for new ways to be creative, I still consider myself to be mainly a card maker.  I enjoy sending pretty mail out into the world. 

 My work in accounts payable doesnā€™t require creativity, so I try to make time to go into my studio a couple of times a week.  In the last two years I have really enjoyed the 3D mixed media projects that have become more and more important to me. I always have my art journal or a canvas out on the craft table just waiting to be painted.  In fact, there are always a lot of supplies out on the table because Iā€™m just not neat in there.  I love to organize (and reorganize) my studio space every so often.  If I am stuck in a rut or canā€™t come up with a project idea, I find that cleaning off my table can be a source of inspiration.  I tend to be a ā€œprojectā€ cleaner, which means that I donā€™t do a little bit every day.
Iā€™ve belonged to several online stamping groups over the years, including a couple of years as group moderator of a now extinct Yahoo group.  I have participated and hosted a multitude of card swaps.  My cousin and I have frequent ā€œplay datesā€ to create together.  Itā€™s great to get together with someone who understands how the creative mind works.

I have a wonderfully supportive husband who appreciates that I have a hobby that I love.  He enjoys seeing the cards and other things I have made and has put in some special requests for his friends and family.  He never ever complains when I drag him to the local craft stores and has even volunteered to go with me to our local convention.  Last year we made a three hour drive to Columbus, OH to meet an online artist that has been a great source of inspiration to me. 
Artist in the Box - Barrel of Monkeys

When Iā€™m not in the studio you can find me either watching the Detroit Tigers or Detroit Red Wings or with my nose in a book.  Sometimes both at the same time. 
Front and back of an Altered Pocket Letter Pageļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æ


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you will be entered into a drawing for our
Seasonal Fall Giveaway this month!






  1. Really great reading about you Robin!!
    I agree with you about creating with like minded peeps- I am guesting three this weekend! And about your hub, it really is neat that he supports you in your artfullness-mine does as well.
    Now inquiring minds want to know, who is the artist you drove to meet and learn from?!!
    Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful creations! ")

    1. Jackie, we went to meet Terri Sproul! She is the reason I became brave enough to use paint and try mixed media. I was looking around online for something new to try and found her classes. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wonderful art and wonderful person! Thanks for playing with us at Altered Pages!!!

  4. So nice to get to know more about you Robin. My husband and yours must be made out of the same "cloth" so to speak. This past Saturday he drove me 3 hours to a scrapbook convention and never hurried me one time while I looked and shopped. :-)

  5. What a wonderful article about you. I always enjoy reading about the artists behind the creations!


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