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Meet the Altered Pages Designers: Trisha

Altered Pages is very fortunate to have
as a designer for so many years!

I am personally honored to have worked with Trisha since acquiring AlteredPages.   Trisha has been a true professional in every respect.   Her artistic style is recognizable in any form.  We have been very fortunate to have her with us a Design Team Member but most importantly as a friend.   My deep thanks to you Trisha.   Jean Moore

We are honored to reintroduce you to her!

Hello, my bloggy friends!  I've been making stuff for pretty much as far back as I can remember, and love paint, paste, paper, crayons--essentially, all things art.  You can imagine, then, how happy I am to be part of the Altered Pages team. 

Here is my very first Altered Pages project, from April 2008, created for my design team "audition":
Vintage doll head, wool yarn spindle arms and marine buoy skirt.
(My photography skills have thankfully improved somewhat over the years!)
Yes, I loved tulle, even in 2008!
E.A. Poe altered art fan, 2009 (former Altered Pages kit)
Spring themed hand bound book, 2011, Altered Arts Magazine. (former AP kit)
Summer By the Sea tag book, see tags HERE. (former AP kit)

Annie Liked to Think Inside the Box--2014

Spring Birds collection, Somerset Gallery, 2015
(AP Vintage Birds)

One of my favorite Altered Pages Kit creations EVER--  
(and still a best seller Trisha!)

Thanks to my dear mother, who kept the house well stocked in art supplies and good art books, and who set the example by continually working on different art and craft projects, taking me to galleries, art shows, and on forays to the art supply store, I have an undeniable, ingrained love of all things art. 
Thank you very much to Altered Pages for this opportunity; I enjoy working with the creative and talented design team.

Thank you for stopping by the Altered Pages blog today, and happy creating to you!


  1. Nice bio, Trisha. I really enjoyed seeing the older pieces of your work, too.

  2. What a treat to learn these new things about you Trisha!!
    Great makes,but I am particularly fond of "Annie" Just delightful!!

  3. Trisha is such a delight! We love your artwork

  4. Great to read all about you. I had no idea you had been with AP for so long. Love your work, and so happy to be on the team with you!


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