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More Useful Tips from Linda Anquoe, Ingrid Vient and Carolyn Addie

More wonderful tips used by Artists that help keep the mess to a minimum and provide more time for creating!  THANKS!

Linda Anquoe - Fabric and Fiber Artist

I keep all my fabric and fibers in recycled plastic zippered bags that bedding and sheets come in. I sew or knit almost daily when not working on mixed media projects like my metal garden flowers or fused glass.  My table cloths & runners are hung on the large bedding hangers I get from the dry cleaners. I have a three tiered rolling cart I purchased from Ikea that keep my current projects on. I can roll it any where I choose to work since I do not have a designated studio or workspace since downsizing.


Ingrid Vient - Mixed Media Artist

My art room is 10 x 11 and I paint, sew and do mixed media projects. The key for me was to install shelving from about 5 feet up to the ceiling the whole length of one wall. This frees up valuable floor space so I can fit 4 tables in there. I bought a large decorative planter box to corral my stencils which are in notebooks, gelli plates and mark making tools for painting and gelli printing.


Carolyn Addie - Jewelry Artist

Having been a published mixed media and rubber stamping artist, I moved on to jewelry making.  I put my small jewelry items in stackable shot glasses and keep them corralled on a wooden tray

All my jewelry tools -- cutters, pliers, etc-- I place over the edge of a decorative tin. I can always see the tool I need. 

Clean up at the end of the day-- or at least put away items I am finished with and organize items to be ready to finish the next day

Organizing beads by color truly helps, I use cigar boxes for silver, copper and gold metal beads.

THANKS to the Ladies for their Tips & Time



  1. Thanks ladies for sharing such great ideas with us!!

  2. Very good tips and sharedā™„

  3. Fabulous tips for storage by everyone! I also enjoyed looking at your projects, too!


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