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Lisa Fulmer helps us Organize

As you may know, we are making best effort to help everyone get organized in February.  Not only OUR Team, but many Artists you may recognize by name will be sharing their organizing tips as well.  

LISA's Book is full of fabulous ideas for creating and organizing!

You can order your CRAFT YOUR STASH book at....

Per Lisa....Get in the zone!

Call me obsessive, but Iā€™m a big fan of the old adage, ā€œa place for everything and everything in its place.ā€ I also regularly fall prey to ā€œout of sight, out of mindā€       syndrome, so organization is pretty important to me. 

I really believe that no matter if youā€™re crafting in a spare room, the bedroom, the garage, or on the kitchen table, you will be more inspired and more likely to enjoy the process of creating if your supplies are organized. Then when you canā€™t find what you need for a particular project, youā€™ll know itā€™s because you donā€™t have it rather than because itā€™s totally buried and youā€™ll have to spend lots of time looking for it. 

Organization not only helps prevent you from buying more than you need, it also helps you find what you need in your existing stash.

For the past several years I have lived in house with an extra bedroom that I turned into a studio office. I thought more space would surely make it easier to stay organized. But alas noā€¦before I really invested some time (and a little money) into my storage solutions, my supplies were either piling up on my work table, spilling over into the hall closets, or they remained inside unopened bags on the floorā€¦and then before too long, my workspace started encroaching upon the living room sofa and kitchen table. This ā€œdreaded spreadā€ will happen without organization, no matter if you craft in a dedicated room or in the corner of the family room.   

Whether youā€™re organizing a drawer, a cupboard, a closet, or a whole room, it helps to divide the area into zones to keep similar types of supplies together. 

Make zones for tools, fabric, paper, small embellishments, paints, glues, markers, stickers, etc. That way, when you arenā€™t sure whether or not you have a particular item, you only have to search for it in one zone, which saves so much time!

THANKS to Lisa and make sure to Share the post to be eligible for the Giveaway!   Tweet it, Facebook it, Google Plus it!  Stay tuned for more helpful hints.


  1. Thanks for the tips Lisa- I agree with outta site - outta mind! But sometimes finding things is like a new toy all over! heehee

    1. yep - xmas comes several times a year to the unorganized, lol :-)

  2. I agree about keeping zones. It's easier to put away my items when done and much easier to find when I need them. Now if I could just quit piling stuff up on the end of my desk!

    1. You got it, Stacks of stuff to be put away! YIKES, as soon as I get them out away, more appear, are they like bunnies?

    2. I'm a desk-piler from way back, lol

  3. Must admit I do not allow many people into my inner sanctum. It's always in disarray from working on things.

    1. sometimes the only way my house gets cleaned is when I make a point of inviting someone over!

  4. All good ideas! My craft room is so full people are afraid they will disappear if they walk in!

    1. thanks - creativity can be a real monster sometimes :-)

  5. Love the idea for using zones to keep your stash more organized. Great article by Lisa!


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