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Karen Elaine Feature Artist!

I am proud to share a Fantastic Artist and a person I consider a dear friend, Karen Elaine Thomas.  Karen lives in an area of Arizona known for it's beauty, which fits her perfectly as a person!    She is an inspiration both as an Artist and for her courage of being a cancer survivor.   Here's to many more years of success, Karen!

A Folding Extravaganza

Karen Elaine is an artist, author and instructor widely known as Karen Elaine Thomas.

Karen combines her experience as a fine artist with her passion for paper to create unique and distinctive paper crafting techniques.   She has been the creative force for Yasutomo since 1997 and recently created Splash Ink, a color mixing system in which you can create an infinite amount of colors using only four basic colors.

She is the author of Origami Card Craft published by Random House as well as several other paper crafting books.

In 2014, Karen developed Kumomi, an art technique which combines spontaneous painting with meditative drawing as an art form. She will be teaching Kumomi at Art Unraveled in Phoenix this year.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

I work in several mediums so it is necessary to be organized or I will drive myself crazy spending more time looking for things than actually creating. I usually spend one part of a day during the week organizing my studio and workspace preparing for upcoming projects and deadlines. I think of it as a meditation which opens my mind to more creative thinking while making sure my workspace is always clean and organized. I take the time to go through art supplies and throw away dried up pens, paints and glue making a shopping list as I go and I group supplies by medium and store them in bins with labels making sure they end up back where they started. I also take inventory and give up what I donā€™t think I will ever use. Will I really take up macrame again or polymer clay? If I havenā€™t used it in a year, then I give it up to make room for more creativity and peace of mind.

Fuse  Box


Yasutomo Website:
Yasutomo Facebook Page:

Niji Splash Ink Page:

Yasutomo YouTube Channel:


  1. Thank you for sharing with us Karen. Your Origami art is amazing!

  2. I love the Kumomi painting! Thank you for sharing your organizing tips.

  3. Karen, not only is your art wonderful but so are YOU! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Art with us.

  4. Karen, I have admired you for many years, and I remember watching you on The Carol Duvall Show. You Kumomi painting technique is amazing, and I will try to use your organizing ideas to my own good use.

  5. I love your fuse box! Beautiful creation!
    I need to be more organized. I have so much frustration in finding things.... because they don't get put away after I use them. Gotta make some improvements!


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