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Time to Fly DecoArts Canvas

Deco Arts Media products are so versatile and one of my favorites is the Matte Medium - as I mentioned in my post earlier this month it can be used as a collage glue which is how it was used below...

But it can also be used for image transfers!  For this canvas I transferred several butterflies to my canvas using only the Matte Medium.  I glued the images (face down) making sure not to get any of the medium on the back of the image.  Let it dry then wet with water and rubbed off the layers of paper...some more than others.  

Once the image had dried I used the Matte Medium again, this time as a sealer for the transfer. 

I also played with the Fluid Acrylics to add a bit of color to the canvas....

At this point to unify the colors I covered everything with a layer of the Titanium White Antiquing Cream - brushed it on and wiped it off with my hand to give it a muted feel.

Oil Pastels were used to highlight the image transferred butterflies; Glorious Gold Dazzling Metallics acrylic paint was applied around the edges and a few dots of white acrylic paint were added here and there...also smudged with my hand.  Finally I added the foliage to the upper left and wrote the sentiment with a bit of Black Carbon Fluid Acrylic.  I had a bit of the black left over so I watered it down a bit and flicked it over the entire canvas.

It was so much fun to let my imagination FLY with DecoArt products.

DecoArt Supplies: Media Matte Medium; Fluid Acrylics - Cadmium Red; Carbon Black, Primary Yellow, Primary Cyan, Titanium White; Antiquing Cream - Titanium White; Dazzling Metallics Glorious Gold  acrylic paint


  1. I'm FINALLY able to look at some of these projects! Nice job, Roni! It's good to know that the DecoArt Media you used can also be used for image transfers.

  2. Roni-love how you did an image transfer with the butterfly! Really gorgeous!

  3. Love the butterfly image transfer! Will have to try this on a future project! Great job!

  4. Fabulous use of a text page! The painting and medium are wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Great use of this DecoArt paints and mediums. TFS all the ideas.

  6. Such a great use of all the Art Deco Products Roni and such a beautiful canvas! xx

  7. I will have to try the transfer technique! Very creative canvasā™„

  8. What a wonderful canvas Roni!! Love the Asian theme!


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