Bones of pirates, remnants of sunken ships, a message in a bottle, and memories of lovers past are the things that mermaids treasure most. Of course no mermaid would be worth her salt if she didnāt look her very best especially if there are pirates nearby. Who knows what other treasures can be found in the deep blue sea? This kit will be available at Altered Pages soon with the trinkets necessary to fill your own special Mermaid Treasure Box.
We like having you visit, Make sure to subscribe... Just click here - easy peasy November will be filled with Die Cut ART, join us. Embellish premade pieces art by Barbara Rankin Cut your own pieces Paint or Foil to add interest art by Lyneen Jesse Combine Die cuts in a variety of mediums art by Jean Moore Create with your manual die cutting machine or buy premade
Ingrid, this is charming--what a great piece, this is going to be a fabulous kit!!
Isn't this too awesome? Ingrid has a fabulous eye for incredible!