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Showing posts from May, 2017

pocket full of posies

Remember the Spring Flowers book from a few weeks back?  She's returning today with her pockets full, with tags and flowers and all sorts of pretties. The tags are all from a package of Assorted Tags, and there are plenty of lovely floral, bird, and butterfly themed collage pages to be found at Altered Pages. The blooms are all from a set of the beautiful Renae Blush flowers.  All the little bits and bobs are attached to the tags using the lightbulb shaped safety pins . I'm particularly pleased with these French Enamel Chipboard numbers--they have the appearance of real little brass plates ! Have a wonderful, flower-filled week! :)trisha


Here is a card using my SPLADH INKS   painted Color Me Crazy Flowers   that is great for any patriotic occasion!     I had a little fun with this card I used a bit of blue jean fabric as the back ground!!!   If you are wondering how I painted the flowers with SPLASH INK check out my tutorial HERE !!!  


No words can say how thankful I am for the men and women who have given so much of themselves.       ā€œAnd Iā€™m proud to be an American, where at least I know Iā€™m free. And I wonā€™t forget the men who died, who gave that right to meā€ ā€” Country singer Lee Greenwood   Image from Altered Pages World War II collage sheet   Military pins from my grandfather


This weekend represents a loss. It is a time to remember and thank those who have served for our Freedoms.                             War is not pretty, or exciting, is not glamorous, it is brutal and sad.   We do not celebrate war, we honor those who went and did not come back. Jack McLay was a friend, I knew him before I knew my husband and did not realize they were best buddies until later. He had a T-bird convertible that was so very cool and if I was lucky he would take me for a ride.  He was kind, always had a smile and had a great family.      Jack served as a Marine and did not come home from Viet Nam.  I made a tribute to him for my husband. Just a kid who did not return.  War SUCKS. Respect for those who serve and disdain for War are not mutually exclusive.    Be safe this weekend and say thanks to a Veteran when you see them.   ...

Remembering Those Who Have Served

I went back to our archives and found a few of our past posts that honor those that have served.  If you like click on the links below the pictures you can visit the original posts. Scrapbooking Memories of those remembered! by Lyneen Jesse   Photo of the veteran sitting on the bench was taken in Pleasanton California. On the bench is inscribed with "Greater love hath no man than this. That a man may down his life for his country."   2015 Brown Bag Book by Lyneen Jesse Red White & Blue        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     2015 Card by Robin Horasanian Celebrating Memorial Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     2016 Canvas Album By Trish Alger   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   We have Patriotic Collage Sheets at Altered Pages Used to make these cards!       Take time to remember those who have serve...

Two floral cards

Greetings!  I have a confession to make.  I was a paper hoarder!  I have bought all types of pretty papers over the years and for a long time I did not use them.  I held them for that one "special card" that I was sure I would need.  A few years ago I made a decision that nothing in my craft stash is off limits!!  No more holding stuff aside.  I bought these supplies intending to use them, so I am!  And I've really gotten into using my small paper pads to make greeting cards.   I've got two cards for you today.  The first uses the Glitz Sunshine in My Soul 8x8 paper pad.  I've used three different designs to create a spring card.  The pretty yellow flowers pull the yellow out in the design. And the second card uses the Graphic 45 Home Sweet Home 6x6 paper pad.  Altered Pages has a collage sheet of Fall Splendor, but this bright sunflower belongs on a summery card.  A couple bumblebee buttons from m...

Change of Place, Change of Pace and a Little Art Too.

Hi Everyone it's Danie here and this week I am currently by the beautiful beach at Coffs Harbour co-hosting a art retreat for eight ladies.  We are encouraging everyone to be explorers be it of our location our art techniques or ourselves. Journal Page on one of the Inky Watery Backgrounds I shared a few months back. Beautiful Colors of Sunrise at the Beach The beautiful sea and art is healing in so many ways and this week inspired by our beautiful location and have worked with the Mermaid as our Muse.  We are working in a journal and have been exploring the waves and imagining what mermaids would paint with. Collecting the treasures from the shoreline and flowers and bits and pieces from the nearby landscape we have used some of these as our tools for mark making, as well as creating our art and just like flowers we are encouraging our attendees to bloom with their art. One of the attendees natural brush play on a gel print Usin...

Splash Ink My GO TO Paint!

I like to have a package of COLOR ME CRAZY Paintable Flowers on hand for the times I need flowers and don't have the right color! flowers.  I am planning a patriotic project and need red, white and blue flowers!  I couldn't find any flowers that were the right color.  Most of the blues were a shade of dusty blue.  Today I am painting flowers with my GO TO paint SPLASH INKS !         The Color Me Crazy Flowers at more than paintable.  You can stamp, chalk and ink the too!       Today I am using SPLADH INKS and the Color Me Crazy Flowers !   Use them on paper and porous surfaces. Rich pigments last forever. Mix with mediums, glitter and more . Only four colors come in the package of SPLADH INKS  Yellow, Magenta, Blue and Black.   With SPLADH INKS you can create over 100 colors using the recipes included in the package!   MAGENTA FLOWERS ...