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Love is in the Air

Happy Friday my artsy friends!
If you follow our blog you will see that I am continueing with a couple themes here.  The first one is my Vintage Law Book Journal Rescue that I started in January.  You can see that first phase here on the DIY Design Studio blog.  The second is our teams guide of Peace, Love & Kindness.

I now have really begun to alter my book, in a prep kind of way.  I tore out many, MANY pages to make room for how thick this will some day be due to all the additions.  This will help avoid that huge alligator mouth look, although I think a little of that gives junk journals their charm.  

This book had a series of signatures.  So I found the center of each signature and pulled out at least 6 or 8 sheets.  If you are altereing a book that does not have signatures attached to the binding you can just count every 6, 8 or 10 pages and tear. Either way easy squeezy.   Very all those pages you tear out. They will become added signatures, backgrounds and have a use in other projects.

Next, I glued 2 or 3 pages together with my Tacky Glue.  This was to create stablility as the book paper is fairly thin.  Some of the pages I only glued the top and bottom together creating a pocket page for tags and other goodies.  Some I slathered a bit of glue over the entire page, thus no pocket. 
Next, came gesso (which you see in the pic above.) Each phase of this process was done slowly because all of this glue and gesso really needed time to cure. I spead it up a bit with my heat tool in between pages then let the book sit open over night. 
Okay, now it is time to have some fun!  for my first entry I gave the inside front cover and first page a good coat of teal acrylic paint then added ripped pieces of text paper, some was from this book and some from other sources. I wanted a varied look.

Next, I added more paint in purple, sky blue and a touch of green inky splatter.   I also painted a heart in titanium white.  This is to lay down a background that will make the actual color of the heart pop.
Next came fuchsia and some high and low lights.
And, now some fun white polka dots.  Most of the colors you see (other than that first base color were all added by finger painting, cause its just fun!)
I then added more definition with some shading and outlining.
I then just had to add some lettering and more dimension with stencils.
Next, a few fun details and highlights.
And, there you have the finished page. 

I am really enjoying my Rescue Junk Journal so far.  I am looking forward to filling out all of these pages.  Check back with me from time to time to see how it is progressing. 
Remember all supplies for this project can be found at Make sure to hop on over and stock up!  

Thanks for joining me!
Check the blog daily for fun, inspiration
and the occasional giveaway!
~Steph S.
Supplies -


  1. Ohh Steph.. now I want to work in my art journal. Love how easy and yet adorable this project is!!

  2. I am in love!!! The colors are wonderful, the heart is lively and the sentiment is perfect.

  3. Gorgeous journal spread Steph xx

  4. I can always come here for great inspiration . . . I love your blog.
    Connie :)


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