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Corazon Chain-Pull, Via Sabor

Creating with the Sabor Papel line of products has been a welcome treat.  Festive colors and engaging patterns gave me plenty to ponder upon. I wanted a decor item.

My supply list includes:
Sabor Papel line --Corazonitos
Faber Castell Mediums Textural Accents 
Americana Decor Timeless Cream Chalk Paint 
Length of Ball Chain  
Aleene's Tacky Glue  
Embossing Powder  
Pigment Ink  
Red Rubber "Circles Background" Stamp 
Art Anthology Sorbet Textural Paint  
Sari Silk Ribbon 
Mold for PaperClay
Nylon String/Fishing line

Using the Corazonitos paper, I fussy-cut a couple of hearts.

I had some PaperClay that would make a light and sturdy base for my chain-pull. I used an oval mold; any plastic or silicon rounded shape could be used to create your base.

I decided to make a couple of extra PaperClay Corazons to dangle below. Using the gesso from the Faber Castell Mediums Textural Accents , I covered the dried PaperClay objects.

The small heart objects received 2 light coats of Americana Decor Timeless Cream Chalk Paint 

When the glue was dried I used the gel medium from the Faber Castell Mediums Textural Accents to adhere the corazon cutouts; one on each side. I let the flames on each stick up from the surface. I did coat the underside of the flames with the medium.

Don't be concerned if the edges won't adhere at first.  I kept pressing it to the gel medium surface and it eventually grabbed on.

I chose a Length of Ball Chain  

My oval pieces I wanted hollow, in order to incorporate the ball chain.  I lightly sanded the edges, then used Aleene's Tacky Glue to glue the edges together with the end of the ball chain inside the tope edge.

Next, I covered the corazon cutouts with glaze from the Faber Castell Mediums Textural Accents -set aside to dry. 

Using a Brush I added Americana Decor Timeless Cream Chalk Paint around the glazed Corazon cutouts.  As it dries I embossed one side of the tiny hearts. Using the Red Rubber "Circles Background" Stamp I covered it in Pigment Ink  and rolled the heart over the surface of the stamp.

Then I dropped the heart into the bag of Embossing Powder and fished it out.  Easy peasy. Heat set the powder and set aside.

Now for the larger dangle, I wanted color and texture around the Corazon cutouts. I took one of the Brushes and added
Art Anthology Sorbet Textural Paint in thick dots and swirls.  I loved that I could coordinate colors with the papers. 

I went back in, between drying sessions, to build up the texture. The paint is rather transparent (hence the undercoat of paint), so multiple coats were required.

Using the same brush I added a thin coat between and around my embossing on the small hearts.

I used Stickles to accent the corazon cutouts.

I poked a thin hole through each small heart and knotted nylon cord on the top and bottom; connecting one heart to another and finally to the larger oval shape. (I glued it into a small hole at the bottom).

I decided to add another Art Anthology Sorbet Textural Paint to the back of the tiny hearts.

You can see the difference in the wet paint (on the small heart) and the dried (around the corazon cutout). The dried is darker, sparklier, and richer.

I finished it by adding Sari Silk Ribbon to the top.

I was enamored by the possibility of seeing Mi Corazon everyday, dangling from my fan pull-chain.  I hope you enjoyed my process as much as I did.

Join us this month in our Sabor festivities and please let us know you were here with a quick comment or question.  
Our Design Team is busy creating and inspiring just for you.

Ciao for now,
-Trish Alger


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